Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Kickin It Old Skool

Last night Aaron and I thought it would be fun to invite a friend over, order pizza, and watch a movie. Since I needed to clean up around the apartment, I sent Aaron to Blockbuster. The picture above is the movie that he returned with...."Kickin It Old Skool."

Now in his defense, he had great intentions... see the girl we invited over is an amazing hip hop dancer and Aaron thought that she'd really get into the movie since its all about dancing. Well lets just say there wasn't much to "get into to." It was probably one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I was a product of the 80's and everything, but I didn't get very many of the jokes and there was only about 5 minutes breakdancing in the whole movie. But, what amazed me the most was how we all just sat there and hoped that it was going to get better.... Oh well, what else is there to do in Waco on a Tuesday night?
