Thursday, November 8, 2007


Hello little bloggy friends....

Well, I've got some news that I just know you've all been waiting for. The time has come for Aaron and I to finally have a foster child placed in our home. We found out yesterday afternoon that there is a 13 year old boy named Chris that needs a family. We had really always said that we wanted an elementary age child, but Chris actually meets that request because he's in the 4th grade. So......after a lot of prayer and discussion, we are going to go ahead with everything and just keep looking to God for guidance.

This is HUGE. I mean really HUGE. The caseworkers think they are going to bring Chris up to Waco tomorrow afternoon and so starting tomorrow I will become a mother. wow. This is something that we've prayed about, talked about, taken classes on, but when it finally comes time for it to happen everything can be a little intimidating. Deep down we are really excited, but there is just so much that is unkown about him. We don't even really know what he looks like - The reports we received said two totally different things. In one report he was 5'2 and in the other one he was 5'9. (yeah a 5'9 4th grader...?). The reports try to give us a clue into his personality, but there really isn't a way to know him until we meet him. So, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE say a prayer for us this evening!

Oh wait... I seriously just now got a call from our case manager and they are going to bring Chris up on Monday. So, we have a few more days to prepare (whew!).



Anonymous said...

Rachael, that is wonderful! I know you and Aaron will be able to love on Chris and give him the support and stability he needs! I'll keep you guys in my prayers.